Monday, December 26, 2011

Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

!±8± Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

Sperm taste is affected by what you eat, as are all secretions from the body.

It is a fact that your sperms taste can be improved and making your semen taste better, can be done with a few simple diet changes.

Diet has A major influence on sperm taste as it's a secretion from the body like any other.

Just as your sweat can smell strongly after eating a heavily spiced meal your sperm will also reflect the spices in its taste.

The make up of sperm

Semen is made up of ninety percent (90%) seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) protein, and various trace minerals and nutrients.

The PH of semen is 7 and scientifically neutral, yet it tastes slightly acidic. Let's take a look at the actual ingredients of semen.

A man's ejaculate is actually only 1% sperm.

The rest is composed of various proteins, vitamins, sugars, salts, cholesterol, and water. All the extras are what protect, feeds, fuels the sperm in its journey.

As you can see in terms of semen's composition, it's fairly obvious that what you eat will make it taste better or worse!

Getting a sweeter taste

With sperm taste, the aim is to make it taste sweeter.

All men have a semen taste that is exclusive to them, but the major complaint on sperm taste is normally always the same:

It tastes bitter or salty; let's look at how to make semen taste sweeter

10 Tips for better semen taste

Here then are 10 simple do's and don'ts to improve the taste of your sperm and make your semen taste better and sweeter:

1. Cut out alcohol, caffeine, recreational drugs and nicotine- they're all pollutants.

2. Drink lots of water 1 - 2 liters a day to flush out body toxins.

3. Fruit get plenty each day and sweeten your sperm taste
Pineapple, papaya cranberry, melons, mangos, apples grapes are all good choices. These fruits are high in natural sugars and offset the bitter taste.

4. Eat plenty of vegetables which are generally good for improving sperm taste.

5. While it is true vegetarians generally have better tasting sperm there are vegetables to avoid:

Any vegetables from the cabbage family big offenders also include Cauliflower, broccoli, or asparagus:

5. Cut red meat consumption this is one pf the main offenders when it comes to making sperm taste salty. Dairy produce such as milk and cheese also make sperm taste salty.
Make sure when you eat protein you get good quality lean protein such as chicken and turkey.

Fish is claimed by some to be an offender in terms of taste, but this seems to vary between individuals. Try it and see the affects before cutting it out, fish is a major part of a healthy diet, so don't cut it out!

6. Avoid heavy spices such as Garlic and onions, they're big offenders when it comes to sperm taste, as they have a high sulfur content.

7. Do not buy products that claim to make your semen taste better there is no evidence that they work.
Your semen can be made to taste better by overall changes in diet and lifestyle, it's a complex formula and a good healthy diet has the biggest affect.

8. Parsley, wheatgrass, and celery are particularly recommended for sweeter semen taste, because of their high chlorophyll content.

9. Cinnamon, cardamom, peppermint and lemon are particularly recommended for making semen taste sweeter.

10. Avoid junk food, they're loaded with chemicals and preservatives that pollute your body and your semen's taste.

Try and eat food "from the earth" i.e. as naturally as possible. Also consider taking a zinc and selenium supplement, both are needed for healthy sperm and can make the taste better.

Finally, strong smelling semen may indicate an infection, so if your semen taste doesn't change when you change your diet, you should consider a visit to the doctor.

Your aim with your diet is to eat one that helps your overall health and the above recommendations will not only make your semen taste better you will also feel fitter and healthier as well.

Keep in mind that you can eat some of the foods we don't recommend for sperm taste.

You can enjoy red meat and the occasional spiced curry just keep in mind the following when considering sperm taste:

What you put into your body takes between 12 and 24 hours to secrete out and you should simply keep this in mind before eating and deciding whether you want a better sperm taste on that particular day or not!

Sperm Taste - 10 Simple Tips For Better Tasting Semen

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to Make Mandel Bread : Ingredients Used to Fill & Top Mandel Bread

Learn about the different ingredients used to fill and top Mandel bread in this free online cooking video clip with expert baking tips. Expert: Rachel Dayan Bio: Rachel has traveled the world where she picked up many recipes and styles of cooking which helped her open her own catering business in Florida. Filmmaker: Gary Zier

Sofa Pillows Guide

Friday, December 16, 2011

All about Brie Cheese

!±8± All about Brie Cheese

Brie appetizers are not only mouthwatering, but they are so versatile. It's amazing
what you can do with a Brie cheese. How did "real" Brie cheese come about in the
first place? Well, according to cheese experts, producing Brie cheese started in the
French province called, not surprisingly, Brie - a town 60 miles from Paris!

The oldest recorded evidence of its existence was found in the chronicles of
Charlemagne. The Emperor at the time, tasted the cheese in the city of Brie around
the year 774 BC. And here's another interesting tidbit about Brie cheese... Louis
XVI's last and dying wish was supposedly to have a final taste of Brie.

It is sometimes called Brie de Meaux and is considered one of the most popular of
the 400+ cheeses from France. Brie de Meaux's popularity can be attributed to a
competition that took place around 1814. During a Vienna Congress, an argument
broke out regarding which country made the best and finest cheese.

As a result, a Frenchman by the name of Talleyrand, suggested a competition
between the different countries and their national cheeses, as he was convinced that
France would win. And of course, they did! Brie de Meaux was the winner and
became known as the "King of Cheeses" and as you can imagine, instantly became
an overnight success that swept Europe and has retained that distinction ever since.

As a matter of fact, Brie Cheese from France won a gold medal from the Brie
National Contest in both 2000 and 2001.

What makes it so darn good? Brie is made from unpasteurized cow's milk and has
an appealing combination of flavors including hazelnut, fruit and herbs. And it takes
approximately 6.6 gallons of milk to make one round of brie cheese!

The process of making it consists of heating the milk to no more than 37 degrees C
- but only during the renneting stage. Therefore, the cheese is never cooked. After
being put into a mold with a special, perforated shovel called "pelle à Brie", it is
salted with a dry salt. This salting process is used to balance the sweetness that
occurs because of the high quality of milk used.

Maturation takes place in a cool cellar. The cheese develops a white mold around it
and the creamy part turns to a light straw color. The whole process takes at least 4
weeks and sometimes more.

In France, there are only 5 or 6 real Brie de Meaux producers left. Apparently it's an
economically-challenged industry to get into. Brie has a very fragile curd that is
easily broken and requires a special room built only for the use of making Brie and
Triple Crème. It has to maintain just the right temperature or the maturation
process will not work. This, in itself, makes Brie hard to make and evidently requires
quite an investment. Therefore, farmers are not as inclined to invest their time and
money on such a delicate, not always reliable process.

To serve Brie cheese properly, it's best to allow it to come to room temperature.
Some good suggestions of wine to serve with any kind of Brie appetizer is a red
Côte-du-Rhône, a red Bordeaux or Burgundy and it always goes well with a good
quality Champagne.

In the United States, we don't sell "real Brie" because of the pasteurization laws that
have been installed in this country. US FDA regulations say that you can only make
cheese with our pasteurized milk. Our "Brie" is not true Brie, but it's as close as we
can get to make it taste like Brie de Meaux from France. If you were to put true
French Brie next to Brie made in the United States, the difference would be highly
noticeable. You would get hooked on the French Brie and have to make yearly trips
to France to feed your new craving!

In lieu of going to France, try this savory Brie appetizer. You'll be glad you did!

Amaretto Brie Appetizer

There's nothing like serving this yummy Amaretto Brie appetizer. Especially when
you watch everyone diving into it without leaving a trace behind. Your friends and
guests will beg you for this recipe. It's simple to make and the creamy almond flavor
is fantastic with a baguette or gourmet-type crackers.

What you'll need:

- 1/2 cup brown sugar (firmly packed)

- 1/2 cup butter

- 1/8 tsp ground nutmeg

- 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

- 1 oz. of amaretto liqueur

- 1 round of Brie cheese

- 1/4 cup sliced almonds (chopped walnuts will work also)

- Toast points, sliced apples, baguette or crackers

First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Then melt the butter and add the brown
sugar in a heavy sauce pan. Stir until heated through and consistency is smooth and

Remove the pan from the heat and add cinnamon, nutmeg and the Amaretto. Mix
ingredients well.

Next, place the Brie round (remove Brie from packaging) in an oven-safe dish. Take
the sauce you just created and pour over the Brie. Then, top the sauce with the
sliced almonds.

All you need to do is bake it for 10 or 15 minutes until the cheese is soft. You could
also microwave it if you are in a big hurry. But only put it in the microwave for 30
second intervals until it is soft and warm. If you microwave it for too long you will
end up with Amaretto Brie appetizer soup, and that is not what we want here!

You can serve the melted Brie on a pretty plate surrounded by apple slices, sliced
baguette and crackers. It will fast disappear!

If you are interested in other Brie appetizers and other easy to make appetizer
recipes, please visit Easy Appetizer Recipes found at the URL below where
you'll be pleasantly surprised with the variety of choices.

Important: Feel free to republish this article on your website. However,
you are not allowed to modify any part of its content and all links should be kept

All about Brie Cheese

Used Water Pumps For Waterfalls

Friday, December 9, 2011

Blueberry Almond French Toast

The hardest thing about this dish is waiting for it to come out of the oven because as it is baking it fills your kitchen with the most enticing, heartwarming, vanilla-cinnamon aroma. Its looks and taste hold up their end of the bargain too. Inside it is egg-y, perfectly sweetened, and studded with bursting warm blueberries. Outside it is crisp and crowned with sugared toasted almonds.

Nerf Darts Bulk Save

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

How To Make Sugar Coated Almonds

This is a wonderful recipe to sugar coated almonds. It's cheaper and better and so easy to make (and you get about 3-4 times as much) All you need is sugar, cinnamon, almonds and water

New Brinkmann Smoker Grill

Friday, December 2, 2011

Baking Without Gluten - Cake Recipes for Celiac Sufferers

!±8± Baking Without Gluten - Cake Recipes for Celiac Sufferers

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, often genetically inherited, in which the sufferers are intolerant of gluten. Celiac disease is caused by an abnormal reaction to gliadin, which is a gluten protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. The only cure is abstinence from gluten, which means that a whole new method of eating has to be learned.

It can be said that if celiac sufferers avoid flour, they will be fine. Although this is simplistic, it is not far wrong. But celiac sufferers have birthdays and celebrations the same as anyone else. And that means they may want a cake now and then, even while avoiding flour.

It is possible to bake without flour and there is a whole range of products on the market for gluten-free alternatives. However, for various reasons, the products may not be viable alternatives: they may not be available locally; or they may be priced beyond your budget. For many people, adapting regular recipes has to be the answer. For those who wish to adapt mainstream recipes, I have provided a few recipes below.

Rice Pudding Cake

Despite its name, it is a firm and heavy moist cake, and it is full of flavor. It is firm enough to cut into large slices. I did not develop this recipe it was given to me over twenty years ago by a friend in Western Australia. Her daughter was gluten intolerant. It is still one of the nicest gluten-free cakes I have ever tasted.


3 cups cooked rice

4 eggs, beaten

1/2 cup demerara sugar

2 medium bananas, mashed

2 apples, finely chopped or grated

1 pear grated

500g (1 pound) cottage cheese

2 cups mixed dried fruit

1/2 cup dried apricots, chopped

1/2 cup almonds or brazil nuts, roughly chopped grated rind of one large orange

1 teaspoon nutmeg

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon all spice

Heat oven until 2200 C, 4000 F


Combine everything and mix well, and place in a greased bundt tin or a fluted ring tin to give the hole in the center. Bake for about half an hour until firm and cooked through. When a skewer comes out clean, the cake is cooked. Cool in the tin, refrigerate for a few hours, and then serve with cream.

Flourless Black Forest Gateaux

Serve warm with ice cream or whipped cream, or simply dusted with icing sugar. To keep this recipe totally flour free dust the tin with cacao.



4 (1 ounce) squares semisweet chocolate, chopped

1/2 cup butter

3/4 cup white sugar

1/2 cup cocoa powder

3 eggs, beaten

1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract


a jar of Morello or Sweet cherries in natural juice.

1 Tub of thick whipping cream.

Preheat oven to 3000degrees F or 1500 degrees C.


Grease an oblong Swiss roll tin, or a jelly pan and dust with cocoa powder. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over boiling water, but do not let the bowl touch the water. When the chocolate is melted, add the butter. Remove from heat, and stir in sugar, cocoa powder, eggs, and vanilla. Pour into the prepared pan. Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.

Place powdered sugar or cocoa powder on a piece of kitchen paper and place the cake on it. Drain the jar of morello cherries and whip the cream until it holds its shape; then add the cherries. Place on top of the cake and roll up like a roll. Top with grated chocolate and serve with cream.

Healthy Fruit Cake

This recipe makes an excellent cutting cake. To make a 11/2 lb cake in an 8" tin:


1 large banana, as green as possible

1 large carrot, peeled and grated

2 eggs 100 ml olive oil

4 oz (100g)granulated sugar

1 table spoon of black treacle/ molasses

8 oz (200g)gluten free flour mix

1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda

1/4 teaspoon of cream of tartar

1 level teaspoon of mixed spice

1 level teaspoon of ground ginger

1 level teaspoon of cinnamon

8 oz (200g) mixed dried fruit

several glace cherries green and red

Preheated oven, 350°F or 180°C


Beat the banana and carrot to a smooth puree with the olive oil, sugar and egg in a food processor. Add the flour and beat in. Add the treacle, spices, and raising agents and beat in. Add the fruit and beat in. Pour the mixture immediately into a deep 8" cake or 2 lb loaf tin lined with a layer of non-stick baking paper. Bake for 11/4 to 11/2 hours.

Chocolate Almond Gateau



110g/4oz best-quality dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa solids)

2 tablespoons white rum 110g/4oz whole almonds

110g/4oz butter, preferably unsalted

110g/4oz caster sugar, plus 1 tbsp extra, to mix with the egg whites

3 eggs, preferably free-range, separated

For the chocolate icing:

110g (4oz) best-quality dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa solids)

2 Tablespoons white rum

110g/4oz unsalted butter

To decorate:

crystallized violets

flaked almonds

You will also need 2 x 18cm/7in sandwich tins.


Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Line the base of each of the tins with greaseproof paper. Brush the bottom and sides with melted butter and dust with a little rice flour. Melt the chocolate with the rum in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water or in a low oven. Bring a small saucepan of water to the boil and add the almonds. Bring back to the boil for 2-3 minutes and then test an almond to see if the skin is loose. Drain the almonds, peel and discard the skins. Grind the whole almonds in a food processor until they are slightly gritty.

Cream the butter and add the sugar. Beat until pale, light and soft. Beat in the egg yolks, one by one. Whisk the egg whites until stiff. Add the extra tablespoon of sugar and continue to whisk until stiff peaks form, then add the melted chocolate to the butter and sugar mixture. Divide the prepared almonds into four portions. Add one portion to the creamed mixture. Fold in a quarter of the egg white, followed by more almonds. Fold in the remaining eggs and almonds alternately until they have all been added. Divide the mixture between the two prepared tins and make a hollow in the center of each cake. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes. The sides should be cooked but the center still a little unset. Leave to cool for a few minutes in the tins; them remove them from the tin. Allow the cake to cool completely before frosting.

To make the icing, melt the chocolate with the rum in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water or in a low oven. Whisk in the butter, a tablespoon at a time, until melted. Remove from the heat and whisk occasionally until cool. If the icing seems too runny, put the bowl in the fridge and allow to firm up. Whisk to lighten and then use. When the cake is completely cold, fill and ice with the chocolate mixture. (If you want to cover the sides and pipe a border around the top, make 11/2 times the quantity of icing.) Decorate with flaked almonds and crystallized violets.

Tia Maria and Chocolate Cheesecake

Rice does not contain gluten and the Asian food stores have rice cakes which are gluten free.



125g (4oz) rice cakes

50 g (1 1/2oz) butter, melted


2 teaspoons powdered gelatin

11/2 tablespoons hot water

125ml (4oz) cream, whipped 375g

(12oz) cream cheese

1 tablespoon castor sugar (powdered sugar)

200g condensed milk

1 tablespoon of orange zest

100 ml Tia Maria or a liquor of your choice


60g (2oz) dark chocolate, melted


Mix the crushed rice cookies and melted butter and press on to the base and sides of your chosen container.

Dissolve the gelatin in hot water, and let stand. Blend the cream cheese and the sugar, add the condensed milk, and the liquor. Whip the cream until it holds its shape and fold into the cheese mixture, fold in the gelatin. Melt the chocolate either in the microwave on half power or in a bowl over hot water. Make certain the bottom of the bowl is not in contact with the water as it will be grainy. Add the orange zest and then add to the cheese mixture. You can swirl it in to give a marbled effect of combine it to look paler like coffee. Pour the mixture into the crust and chill for a few hours. Serve with cream.

Orange Almond Cake with Orange Sauce

A moist and light orange flavored cake that can be served alone with a light yogurt for afternoon tea, or add the orange sauce for a decadent dessert!



3 eggs, separated

2/3 cup white sugar

1/4 cup rice flour

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 cup orange juice

1 tablespoon of orange zest

1 1/2 cups finely ground almonds

Orange Sauce:

2 tablespoons heavy cream

2 cups white sugar

1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice

2 tablespoon grated orange zest

1/2 cup butter

4 egg whites

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Grease a 10 inch springform pan with cooking spray, and dust with rice flour.


In a large bowl, whip egg yolks with 2/3 cup of the sugar until thick and pale. This will take about 5 minutes with an electric beater, and it is ready when the beater is taken out of the batter and it leaves a trail. Stir in the rice flour the orange juice, the orange zest, and then fold in the almond meal and cinnamon.

In a separate glass or metal bowl, with absolutely no trace of fat, whip 3 egg whites until they hold a stiff peak: they will not incorporate any air at all if there is fat or egg yolk in the bowl. Fold into the almond mixture until well blended. Pour into the prepared pan, and spread evenly.

Bake for 35 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool in the pan on a wire rack.

To make the orange sauce, cream together the butter and 2 cups of white sugar in a medium bowl. Stir in the cream, and place the dish over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir in orange juice and zest. Whip 4 egg whites in a separate bowl until soft peaks form. Fold into the orange sauce. Spoon over the cake and serve immediately.

Baking Without Gluten - Cake Recipes for Celiac Sufferers

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